If your preference is for the original camera controls, see the section below. If you're playing Reignited with a controller, moving the camera is assigned by default to the Right Analog Stick, which allows you to tilt the camera up and down to peer over ledges or up in the air to more thoroughly explore the environment. Scroll down to the very bottom of the list and assign L2 to Right Stick Left and R2 to Right Stick Right. Hold down the PS button to bring up the Quick Menu, tap Settings, then Controller Settings, then Assign Buttons. If you’re playing the PS1 version on a PlayStation Vita, you can remap the camera controls to the right analog stick to make it like the Reignited version. You can change between the two in the Options menu. The other option is Active Mode, where the camera always rotates to the direction Spyro is facing. The camera is by default set to Passive Mode, where it won’t move unless you tell it to. If you're playing the PS1 or PC versions of the game, to rotate the camera use L2/R2 on PS1 or 1/3 on PC. Move Camera PlayStation 1 / PC PlayStation 1 On PlayStation 1, Spyro is able to be played with the original control pad without analog sticks, however a Dual Analog or DualShock controller is preferred due to the finer movement. To move Spyro, use the Left Stick or the D-Pad if you're using a controller, or with the WASD or Arrow Keys if you're on PC with a keyboard.